You don’t have to manage risk alone.

We equip you to be risk aware and empower you to manage potential hazards and exposures facing your church and people.

As a pastor and church leader, you have an awesome responsibility to connect people with Jesus. You are entrusted with protecting the tangible and intangible assets of the church to allow members a place to worship and serve. This means you have to be aware of the potential harms that exist. You need to be risk aware. 

Every church - including yours - has risks. Property risks. People risks. Financial risks. Contractual risks. Data security. Honestly, it all probably adds up to more risk than you care to think about on a daily basis.

 “To whom much is given, much is required.” Luke 12:48

You don’t have to manage risk alone. The 153 Effect Risk Awareness services and our Compassionate Guides can get you on your way to protecting your church and people. Together, we can help you:

  • Review each aspect of your ministry to determine what risks you take, those you ask others to take, and how to manage collective risks to keep your people and places as safe as possible.

  • Analyze risks to understand the frequency and likelihood with which they may occur.

  • Evaluate your organization’s risks and determine how to manage them.

  • Create a process to monitor risks and adjust as needed going forward. 

 We’ll show you the way to a safer tomorrow, allowing you to focus on spreading the love of Jesus.

Schedule a time today to talk to our Compassionate Guides about your goals and challenges. Together, we’re fuel for a growing church.  

  • Understand your unique risks and track performance in one dashboard.

    Understand your unique risks and track performance in one dashboard.

  • Ensure your assets are protected, risks are managed, and you have the proper coverage.

    Ensure your assets are protected, risks are managed, and you have the proper coverage.

Risk Assessment

A comprehensive risk assessment reviews your overall operations and ministry-related risks. We take a look at everything from your assets and current controls to how you transfer risk and even how you finance risk. (Yep, that’s a thing.)

Gap Analysis

The gap analysis will provide a thorough picture of how your organization is currently managing risks, as well as provide recommendations on how to close the gaps we find.

Reduced Risk Exposure

Through increased awareness and improved controls, your church will be able to reduce risk, safeguard your resources and people, focus on your mission and save money.

How it works

Step 1: Introductions & Info-Gathering

We'll meet with you to see where you are today and what your goals are. We’ll talk about what’s going well and what keeps you up at night. We'll ask questions about your ministry, people, assets, and risk appetite. Whether you’re just getting started, looking to continuously improve, or somewhere in-between, we’ll meet you there. 

Step 2: Risk Assessment & Analysis

We’ll roll up our sleeves and start analyzing how your church works. We’ll ask a series of questions, understand what assets you have, and what controls you already have in place. We will review each ministry area, including governance, and take a look at your insurance coverage. Then, we will identify gaps, provide detailed analysis and recommend next steps. From volunteers to privacy policies, we'll cover it all with a customized approach based on what matters most to you. 

Step 3: Executive Summary

Actionable, money saving recommendations. Our team will help equip you with the information you need to take the next steps to reduce your risk exposure. We’ll use our expertise to support you in creating a risk management program so you can focus on ministry and mission without opening your church up to unwanted risk or consequences.


Our team of risk experts are ready to help. Our goal is to teach you to fish, but we know there will be questions. Just ask! As you grow, we'll be there making sure your risk awareness efforts grow with you. 

Colossians 1:16-18 We look at this Son and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at this Son and see God’s original purpose in everything created. For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels—everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment.

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.